The World's Most Powerful 7 Data Scientists - BestCyberNews: Online News Presenter in the present world

BestCyberNews: Online News Presenter in the present world

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The World's Most Powerful 7 Data Scientists

The success of companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Netflix, not to mention Wall Street firms and industries from manufacturing to retail and healthcare, is increasingly driven by better tools for extracting meaning from very large quantities of data. "Data Scientist" is now the hottest job title in Silicon Valley.

1. Larry Page, CEO, Google

Google more than any other company has pushed the boundaries of what is possible with big data. Along with Sergey Brin, he built the search engine that tamed the web solved the problem posed by John Wanamaker a century ago. And in his quest to provide access to all the world’s information, he has accumulated the largest database on the planet.

2. Jeff Hammerbacher & DJ Patil

Jeff Hammerbacher is Chief Scientist in Cloudera and DJ Patil is Entrepreneur-in-Residence in Greylock Ventures. Hammerbacher and Patil coined the term "data scientist.” These two built the first formal data science teams at Facebook and LinkedIn, respectively. Now at Cloudera, Hammerbacher has been key to driving the success of Hadoop as a standard tool for processing large, unstructured data sets with a network of commodity computers. As Data Scientist in Residence at Greylock, Patil is seeking out the next generation of hot data-driven startups.

3. Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig

Sebastian Thrun is Professor in Stanford University and Peter Norvig is Data Scientist in Google.When Thrun and Norvig decided to teach their Stanford course, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, over the internet, they managed to sign up over 140,000 students and proved that AI is no longer just an academic subject. Norvig is Google's chief scientist. Thrun is leading Google’s efforts to build a self-driving car that relies on AI algorithms and the memory of hundreds of thousands of miles driven by Google’s street view vehicles, recording and measuring everything they saw.

4. Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren is Candidate in U.S. Senate (Massachusetts). The banking system excesses that led to the economic crash of 2008 are an example of big data gone wrong. As the provisional head of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, Elizabeth Warren began the job of building the algorithmic checks and balances needed to counter the sorcerer's apprentices of Wall Street. In her campaign for the US Senate, she promises to continue that fight.

5. Todd Park

Todd Park is CTO in Department of Health and Human Services. Park is leading the charge to transform American healthcare into a data driven business. From medical diagnostics to insurance reimbursement to community health statistics, he is finding ways to use data to make healthcare more effective and affordable.

6. Alex "Sandy" Pentland

Alex "Sandy" Pentland is a Professor in MIT. Sandy is not only a wide-ranging polymath, he's providing the intellectual leadership on how sensors, the internet of things, geolocation and promiscuous connectivity can be used to uncover insights regarding human behavior. Sandy is also looking at privacy - an important adjunct to the data space - and helping develop the conversation regarding the trade-offs between privacy and the value of personal data.

7. Hod Lipson and Michael Schmidt

Hod Lipson and Michael Schmidt is Computer Scientists in Cornell University. Cornell computer scientists Hod Lipson and Michael Schmidt created an AI program that could distill the laws of motion merely by observing data from the swings of a pendulum. In the process, they kicked off the field of robotic science in which AIs try to derive meaning from datasets too large or complex for humans to study.

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