Google Developing Lightweight Android OS 'Brillo' for Internet of Things - BestCyberNews: Online News Presenter in the present world

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Google Developing Lightweight Android OS 'Brillo' for Internet of Things

Google developing aA lightweight version of mobile operating system for Android, that is called as  Brillo. It is targeted at low-memory devices with 32 or 64MB of RAM.

Google is expected to launch the code for the new operating system next week at Google I/O, the company's conference for software developers.

Google is likely to release the software under the Android brand, as the group developing the software is linked to the company’s Android unit. 

The lower memory requirements for devices running the new software would mark a sharp drop from the latest versions of Android, which are primarily aimed at mobile phones with at least 512 megabytes of memory.

Brillo would be an important push for Google, company that makes smart thermostats, smoke alarms and security cameras for the home, which are all at the end of the day ‘smart’ home appliances. 

If most smart home devices run on the Brillo OS, this would give a gateway to Google to a large number of information about a user’s daily routine as the time they go to sleep, or use their oven as well.

This project would be separated from the Nest division at Google, but it would work on Nest units.

Author Venkatesh Yalagandula Follow us Google + and Facebook and Twitter