The Dyre Wolf Banking Trojan stole More then $ 1 Millions - BestCyberNews: Online News Presenter in the present world

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The Dyre Wolf Banking Trojan stole More then $ 1 Millions

IBM Security team has found an active campaign using a variant of Dyre malware that has successfully stolen more than $1 million from targeted enterprise organizations. 

The campaign, named “The Dyre Wolf” by IBM Security researchers, shows a brazen twist from the once-simple Dyre malware by adding sophisticated social engineering tactics likely to circumvent two-factor authentication.

More the 4,000 computers worldwide were infected in February alone. Infected e-mail attachments are the typical source of the malware. 

In some cases, the malware comes from employees personal e-mails which have been checked and then opened on the company server, and have bypassed corporate malware protection.

The Dyre Wolf malware lies dormant until a computer user tries to gain access to a bank account. Should the user's bank be among the hundreds in the malware's database, a false but official looking notice from the bank pops up on screen. 

The researchers said "Once the infected victim tries to log in to one of the hundreds of bank websites for which Dyre is programmed to monitor, a new screen will appear instead of the corporate banking site. The page will explain the site is experiencing issues and that the victim should call the number provided to get help logging in."

"One of the many interesting things with this campaign is that the attackers are bold enough to use the same phone number for each website and know when victims will call and which bank to answer as. This all results in successfully duping their victims into providing their organizations’ banking credentials."

"As soon as the victim hangs up the phone, the wire transfer is complete. The money starts its journey and bounces from foreign bank to foreign bank to circumvent detection by the bank and law enforcement. One organization targeted with the campaign also experienced a DDoS. IBM assumes this was to distract it from finding the wire transfer until it was too late."

IBM Security recommends organizations do the following:

  • Train employees on security best practices and how to report suspicious activity.
  • Consider conducting periodic mock-phishing exercises where employees receive emails or attachments that simulate malicious behavior. Metrics can be captured on how many potential incidents would have happened had the exercise been a real attack. Use these findings as a way to discuss the growing security threats with employees.
  • Offer security training to employees to help understand threats and measures they can take to protect the organization.
  • Provide regular reminders to employees on phishing and spam campaigns and that they shouldn’t open suspicious attachments or links from both work and personal emails.
  • Train employees in charge of corporate banking to never provide banking credentials to anyone. The banks will never ask for this information.

Author Venkatesh Yalagandula Follow us Google + and Facebook and Twitter