Hackers have already compromised the smartphones or just about any other connected electronic device, and soon they can hack fridge, thermostat, and toilet.
The rmployees of the Nijmegen ICT company Masc and accountancy firm Deloitte demonstrated this to the Volkskrant.
According to Volkskrant, Attackers in an unguarded moment can quickly 'script' on the glasses put that takes control.
Using a USB stick Malware via wifi According to a possible attack scenario, an attacker would be someone Glass just to lend to an interested, after which there is a mini-USB stick into it in an unguarded moment.
In another scenario, the malware distributed via a WiFi network, or via an app on the phone (the Glass is in fact only useful if it is with a phone attached). It took a night pizza with a dozen hackers to this attack to think, says Thomas Bosboom Deloitte.
She said in the video, “I wanna get this white trash, this trash on tape for as long as I can.”
The video eventually ended up on YouTube, in addition to catapulting your rages into the national limelight, taking Google Glass to a bar can have other consequences.
A Google spokesperson acknowledged that security and privacy had been an issue with early models of the Android-based devices, but said that later models would be protected by a PIN-style code.
“The more feedback we get, the safer we can make Glass ahead of the wider launch this year”