200++ Spain Based Websites are Hacked by Moroccan Islamic Union-Mail - BestCyberNews: Online News Presenter in the present world

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200++ Spain Based Websites are Hacked by Moroccan Islamic Union-Mail

From last few months Famous Moroccan Hackers group going with the handle "Moroccan Islamic Union-Mail" are continuously targeting Government websites.

Moroccan Islamic Union-Mail hacked and defaced more than 200 websites from Spain. Entire them cities, schools and governmental and television and pornographic all website was showing a clear message in Spanish.

They are announced this mass defacement on Pastebin and posted the website names along with the mirrors.

Defacement page is showing like below image:

And posted a message to Spanish people, message is:

Siempre habéis creído que nuestro silencio en relación a vuestros continuos errores mortales hacia el reino de Marruecos y a su gran pueblo es por miedo…desde Al Ándalus islámico pasando por las ocupadas Ceuta y Melilla, las islas Canarias, el islote de Perejil, hasta vuestro intrusismo inaceptable y poco inocente en el Sahara marroquí… humillaciones a ciudadanos marroquíes en España y en la frontera ni las embarcaciones de los pobres inmigrantes se han librado de vuestro atrocidad

Criminales es lo que sois. Nosotros aquí decimos: somos los nietos de los héroes de la Nación Árabe e islámica… Seremos vuestra peor pesadilla. Atacando vuestros sitios vitales vamos a terminar con vuestra débil económica

In English:

You have always believed that our silence regarding your continuing deadly mistakes to the kingdom of Morocco and its great people is fear ... from Al Islamic Andalus through the Ceuta and Melilla occupied, the Canary Islands, the islet of Perejil, until your intrusion unacceptable and innocent little in the Moroccan Sahara ... humiliation Moroccans in Spain and at the border or craft poor immigrants have escaped your atrocity.

Criminal is what you are. We here say we are the grandchildren of the heroes of the Arab and Islamic nation ... We will be your worst nightmare. Your sites attacking vital we'll end with your weak economic.

Author Venkatesh Yalagandula Follow us Google + and Facebook and Twitter

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